A machine polishing compound that quickly removes paintwork imperfections and leaves an ultra-gloss finish.
- Rapid action one compound, one pad process
- Quickly and safely removes paint defects
- Leaves an outstanding gloss finish that, in most cases, requires no refining
- Filler free ensuring a permanent finish
- Silica and silicone free
- Effective up-selling service to generate additional income
- Simple one compound, one pad process saves time and effort for the user
A machine polishing compound that quickly removes paintwork imperfections and leaves an ultra-gloss finish.
- Rapid action one compound, one pad process
- Quickly and safely removes paint defects
- Leaves an outstanding gloss finish that, in most cases, requires no refining
- Filler free ensuring a permanent finish
- Silica and silicone free
- Effective up-selling service to generate additional income
- Simple one compound, one pad process saves time and effort for the user